Kathy Blackwell
2 min readJun 11, 2021


Zero to Dream Job in 90 Days!

Day #9 Job Search

We all have our own idea of what a dream job is. You might be wondering what mine might be?

I have been asking myself that question every day since I have begun writing this blog and will share some of my thoughts. The ideal position I had in mind started out as traveling all over the world to visit and write about programs that work with children and families. Sort of like a news reporter that gets sent on assignments, interviews the people involved and writes the story. This kind of position would fulfill my dreams of traveling, spreading good news and working with children.

As I delve into this search more and I read hundreds of job descriptions, I realize there are many levels of writing people do and I have widened the possibilities of types I am qualified for. There are researchers, grant writers, philanthropic organizations who need people to communicate with their donors, staff writers for journals and many, many content and content strategist writers. Sometimes I am exhausted just reading the description of the job. There are multiple paragraphs of descriptions of so many duties the job sounds like it is for five people!

I list my job search categories in as many ways as I can possibly think of to focus on the type of “Good news” writing I am looking to do. Yesterday the perfect job was sent to my inbox! It involved many of my top criteria, including writing for a non profit organization that is trying to improve the world, remotely! I read it twice, and then began looking for the salary. I found it. It was a volunteer position. Full time. Ugh. Back to the drawing board.

81 Days to go!

