Kathy Blackwell
2 min readJun 2, 2021


Zero to Dream Job in 90 Days!

Day #1 A Beginning

By Kathy Blackwell

A woman with so many ideas, her best friend suggests writing a book called “The Idea Machine.” Thats me! I have written almost every day since third grade; poems, stories, diary entry’s, messages in bottles, letters, articles and other assorted writings. I am a published writer, and some of these writings have led to some incredible events in my life. A trip to Ethiopia to meet a nomadic elder who survived a famine, featured in People Magazine. Working at Habitat for Humanity’s International Magazine, meeting President Jimmy Carter and answering letters for him in the Habitat Correspondence Office. Having an excerpt of my letter to President George H W Bush, read by him in The State of the Union Address, on my birthday! These experiences, made in between working as a teacher to fulfill that dream and my love of children, have kept my writing dream alive, while I made enough money to raise my own children. Now retired, I have been looking to write full time and have been working toward this end for close to two years. However, I have been picky this time and am sticking to my goal of not just any kind of writing, but writing for the greater good. Writing about people and organizations changing the world and making a difference in people’s lives. This blog is about this journey, this process of my daily search for the job my soul is meant to do. I know I’m not the only one. Every day I read social media posts that exclaim “ find what you love and you will shine” and “ ask the universe for what you desire and the rest will come”. So writing this blog about my process, I commit to land my dream job in 90 days. Come along with me for the ride to fulfill this lifelong passion. Maybe you are trying to find your dream job too. Let’s do it together! We never know what might happen if we keep hope alive and put the energy out there for the universe to grab onto. So, here goes!

89 days to go!

