
Zero to Dream Job in 90 Days!

Day #84 Ohio in October

Ohio in October

Sweet smell ‘a sauce cookin’ up on the stove

Daughter sittin’ round the kitchen table in her robe,

Pumpkins piled up at the stand out front

And the gentle day’s flowin’ along.

Neighbors dropping’ by as the mornin’ lingers on

Golden shades of flowers scattered all about the lawn,

College friends and babies, catchin’ up on the news

And the gentle days’ flowin’ along.

Love is a crop growin’ all around this home

Carefully weeded, not let overgrown,

Tended by careful hands, Mother - Father’s own

And the gentle days’ flowin’ along.

I’ve been here before, in the place of my dreams

Where families oaken-sturdy, stand post and beam,

My thanks for all the folks I’ve met here today

You keep the gentle days flowin’ along………

6 Days to Go!

