Kathy Blackwell
1 min readJul 31, 2021


Zero to Dream Job in 90 Days!

Day #59 Wishes

Picture from unSplash

I wish…..

We could talk to our loved ones that are gone from this world.

All guns would disappear, never to return.

That people would think before they used words or actions that hurt.

Cake had no calories.

Mountains and trees could talk to us and tell us their wisdom.

That the words segregation and slavery had never been invented. Or the concepts they were named for.

That if we had kind thoughts, money would appear in our pockets and if we had mean thoughts, our money would disappear.

When music played, flowers would bloom in the air with the notes.

The sky would be a different color every day and each day it was a surprise.

That horses roamed free in all the fields.

That all illness could be cured with the wave of a wand.

That we could share and all have enough.

31 Days to Go!

